Sunday, May 04, 2003


I am in total 'dragging my tush' mode. We're suffering from allergy helk around here, I've pulled a muscle in my back that is making useing the computer and knitting a little less than enjoyable, and if I don't get chocolate soon someone's going to die. (Ok, maybe they won't actually die, but I'm going to be giving them lots of nasty looks!) I'm trying to find some ambition to do something, but going back to bed seems like the best option so far!

I have some new knitting inspiration though. Earlier this week I picked up a copy of Knitting Fair Isle Mittens & Gloves at my LYS. I figure I can do mittens, and I can do fair isle, so why not? No, I haven't done gloves yet, but it would be just like me to make my first pair with a fair isle design. I mean, why teach myself a new skill using a plain, boring, solid color when I can really drive myself crazy by throwing in multiple colors? Besides, I know what would happen if I tried to do gloves in just one color: I'd do one, get bored, and have to walk around with one hand in my coat pocket all winter.

Alright...Goal for today: Finish the back of TPTINGTTA and at least start the right front! I've also cast on for my next big project, which means doing 18 rounds of 280 stitches on size 1 circular needles, using black yarn! GACK! So I now have to finish TPTINGTTA because I'm going to need the needle that I'm currently using for the body. (Am I being a lemming because this sweater has already been done? -And done wonderfully I might add- I don't think least I hope not...And I'm sure as heck not going to have it done on a month! It might take me that long to get through the hem!)

I should also work in the Dalmation sweater. Sleeves, must do sleeves.

So much for dragging my tush!

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