Saturday, May 10, 2003

We are heading north tomorrow!

To go to the New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Festival! It's going to be an hour and a half either way, but I am very much looking forward to it! Irina too, if the fact that she has been constantly talking about petting the "baby sheep" is any indication. (She has already been informed that, no, we are not bringing any live animals home with us. The cat would not appreciate it.) Tony is a little less enthused, but is being a good sport about it. Now I just have to hope that my camera holds out. It's eating batteries at an alarming rate, so I think it isn't long for the world. Fingers crossed, and all that.

I'm thinking that I'm going to change the URL of this page, drop the "/knitblog" and just make it the "/index" page; but I'll give plenty of warning, and put up something to redirect you anyway. Just wanted to let whoever might have linked to me know.

I'm in fear of being boring again, so I'm going to go knit. I've been working on the first sleeve for the Virgin sweater, but I'm not very pleased with the way it's coming out. I'm thinking that I may frog and start again. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere on any project at all. Hopefully tomorrow will give me inspiration or something.

Man, I am being a downer, aren't I? Sheesh!

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