Thursday, May 23, 2002

Gadzooks! It's been a busy few days...

First off, is anyone having trouble reading my blog? Because I looked on it on my Mom's 'puter last night and it looked like crap! I'm wondering if it has something to do with the connection that she has, because some of the other Blogspot blogs looked yucky! I'm wondering if a revamp might be in the works. (But I really like this template... *sniff*)

I've been really taken by the Kaffe Fassett sweater coat in the new "Special All Men's Edition" of Vogue Knitting. It's just what I like: Oversized, roomy... Heck! It might even fit me. But, as much as I like it, I figured that I could only like it more if it was in eye-poppingly bright colors...and if I was going to do that, maybe if I gave the colors a specific placement...Yeah! Like a quilt pattern! So if I took the basic shape from the pattern, and found the yarn that I wanted to use, and applied my own gauge to it, and, and, and...!!!

...This is where my husband threatened to douse me with cold water until I calmed down...

So it was a trip to the lys yesterday morning to fondle, and buy, for yet another project (like I need it!) I've got this black image in my head (to make the bright colors just that much brighter), and picked out a few other colors. They didn't have two that I wanted in the yarn that I chose (Cascade 200), so I bought a few skeins of white that I promptly dyed with easter egg dye when I returned home! They turned out rather well, if I do say so myself!

Anyhoo, I dyed, nuked, rinsed, wound bobbins, and worked on the ribbing for the back during the afternoon. Then I got to bring the small one to her grandparents for a few hours so Tony and I could go on an actual *date*!!! Imagine...dinner talking to no one but ourselves, being able to finish a conversation, not to mention just a sentence! Being able to look down to read a menu instead of up! Doesn't happen nearly often enough! *grin*

Today Irina & I took a drive to visit with some knitting buddies. It's a shame that the people I know in the area who knit live a distance away. At least I know some! (We need an S&B here in the 'burbs!) We sat in the backyard while the kids ran each other ragged on the swingset, and just generally had a good time knitting and nattering! Later our hostess took us on a walk in some conservation land that borders her neighborhood, and Irina practiced her superlative bug finding skills. A generally pleasant morning was had by all.

This afternoon was, well, nap central!

My goodness, I have rambled on! Oh well. Except for the inconverience of a Dr. appointment tomorrow I have the whole day to myself! Time, glorious time to do with whatever I want! (I am getting rather spoiled this week, ain't I?)

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