Saturday, May 25, 2002

Thank you to Theresa for these most cool questions!

1. Where were you born? What do you know about your own birth? (time, circumstance, etc...) I was born on July 11,1967 at two minutes before midnight in Natick, Massachusetts. I was a breech birth, backend first!

2. Do you have a baby picture you can put onto your weblog? If not, tell us what you looked like as a baby.I don't have a picture of me (I tried, but my scanner is acting crabby) Instead I offer a picture of my mother. As children we looked very much alike! I remember being amazed as a child when I said that I didn't remember having the photo taken, and being told it wasn't me! (The women in my maternal line, all of us have a close resemblence)

My Mom-please don't borrow this picture!

3. What kind of a baby or toddler were you according to the people who were around when you were young?According to my parents I was the fat, happy kid who just sat there and smiled at everyone.

4. Know any cute baby-related anecdotes? Other than the fact that I could say "Supercalafragalisticexpealidocious" at the age of three or four, nope!

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