Monday, June 24, 2002

Best Laid Plans...yadda, yadda, yadda

Yup. Home with a sick small one. She was so hot this morning that she was sweating sitting still, poor thing. Her fever is down thankfully, and she seems content to lie on her mat on the floor watching The Gumby Movie. (No, I don't know why! It's what her father let her pick at the video store yesterday) I know Gumby claymation, and completely different from the puppets, but parts of it remind me of nothing more than Thunderbirds!

Nearly all of Gerry?s classic stories and series are set in the future. The live-action film 'UFO', written in 1968, was set in 1980. It is the tale of aliens coming to earth to seek human organs for transplant.
Thunderbirds, though, is set 100 years beyond the date of its first screening in 1965. Thus in the first episode we see an airport from 2065 with a beautifully envisioned Concorde-like craft that can fly at mach 6.5, whilst the passengers all sit around in a lounge sipping drinks that looks like a set from a Dean Martin movie.

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