Friday, June 14, 2002

A plea of Help! to the Website Goddesses!!!

I am in the process of trying to move Tea Ramblings to it's very own home (without a huge Angelfire address), and it is driving me more than slightly out of my mind!!! (OK, short trip, I know *Grin*)

What I can't figure out is where the heck my images are going to! And why is my guestbook on the side instead of on the bottom? And why, when I go in and manually change my html code (I'm using Word) to the things that I know should fix it, does it go back to being screwy wrong when I ftp it? And why do I keep coming up with these pathetically wrong run-on sentences? (Naw, actually, I don't need help on that one)

Could someone go sneak a peek at my code and see if they can see something I can't? Please? Pretty Please? Pretty Please with a cherry on top? And hot fudge? It's fat free!!! If someone can drop me a line I'd be grateful! K1YOP2"at"

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