Tuesday, June 04, 2002


Woke up with a migraine this morning. It's abated a bit (otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here), but everything is so darn loud. What a pain in the kiester!

Freakishly Proud Mama Moment Follows:(not for the faint of heart, and not everyone will care)

After almost 4 years of changing diapers/pullups, for some completely unknown reason, yesterday the small one decided that she didn't want to wear them anymore and wanted to wear big girl underware!!! And she stayed dry for over 24 hours!!! WaaHooooooo!!!!!!! We've been doing the potty battle for a long time, and she just gets up and decides to do it on her own. Astonishing. I feel liberated! I'd dance the Charleston, but my head would fall off...

I am grabbing my knitting and going back to bed.

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