Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Oh yeah...

This is the little bag that I made for my camera

I dyed the yarn with easter egg dye...

It was a fun night last night! So nice to be able to sit and talk knitting and quilting with someone and not have their eyes glaze over.*Smile*

Such a busy day with the girlie today! After I picked her up at preschool we went to the mall. She really needed new sneakers, and some sandles for the warmer weather. She also wanted a football. (I got it for her! We are trying to do that non-gender thing for the most part. And she has a ton of dolls that she ignores!)

While we were there a childrens performer was setting up for a show, much to our suprise and delight, so we hung around for a while to watch. Irina had the best time! And I have to admit that I, proud Mama that I am, had fun watching her get jump into the center of a crowd of kids and sing, dance, clap, and jump with the best of them.

If I had smiled any wider I think the top of my head would have popped off! She, thankfully, went to bed very early tonight!

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