Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Ugh! It took, I think, over three hours to clean the kitchen to where I wanted it to be. I literally tore everything apart, scrubbed it, and then put it back together. My back didn't care for it, but it had to be done! I can't remember the last time I did an all out cleaning like that (or had the urge or energy). Blah, I'm just being so dragged down lately. I know it'll change, but it just stinks that everything is such an effort right now. My lack of ambition is huge.

Here I go...anyone want to join my little pity-party? I'm serving the sourest lemon tea and can't find the sugar.

Well the small one is splashing in the tub overseen by her Daddy, I can see four WIP's from where I'm sitting, and Antiques Roadshow is on. Tommorow is, as they say, another day...

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